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Danny & Walter

sanctuary residents since June 2023

Two jumbo Pekins were found in a canal in Long Island, which is no place for a domestic duck...ever. Luckily, a local rescue spotted them and stepped in to capture them to bring them to safety. Now, those two boys are Danny and Walter and are forever safe at the sanctuary.


Danny and Walter have a bit of a New York a good way! They are independent, strong, friendly, and have seen a lot of things. Nobody knows their full story, exact age, or how long they were roaming those waters for, but it's apparent they're very happy where they moved in to. It was estimated based on their physical appearance Danny & Walter were 3-4 years old when they arrived, and take the role of leaders of the flock, especially Danny. Danny takes a back seat and watches everyone carry on how they wish, he isn't bossy by any means...but everyone knows he's their leader in his assertiveness and communications. These boys may be the biggest of the Bachelor Boys flock, and....they have big, trusting personalities to match. 

Danny is looking for his special friend!
Walter is looking for his special friend!

Danny (left) , Walter (right)

Walter (left) , Danny (right)

Kyle (flapping), Danny & Watler (back, barn), Clover, Phil, Chester

Walter (left) , Danny (right)

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